Davey Liddle

Another one of the “I played as a teenager but took a break because its hard to meet girls with a cupboard full of little plastic men”, Davey came back to the hobby in 2021 because COVID stopped people Gathering for Magic. Starting on Salamanders but selling up to invest in Tyranids (before the 9th edition book, apparently), Davey loves to innovate and iterate on his buggy lists. You can hear his thoughts about the Tyranid meta on ‘Bug Watch’. He dabbles in the dark powers too – World Eaters and CSM are his side hustles. You can hear his thoughts on the original War Hounds on the creatively named “Blood Watch”.

Born in the decade that brought us things such as the Compact Disc, Prozac and Depeche Mode, Scrivo is your typical Wargamer. Forged in the Red Era of GW (the 1990s to the rest of us) he’s quite focused on his two primary forces Orks (Ere We Go!) and Dark Angels (The Inner Circle). Between filming content about both he can be found playing Kill Team and a silly number of other game systems. He’s also an artist whose worked as a colour assistant for Image, DC and Marvel on titles such as Batman, The Activity, Mister Miracle and The Punisher.